Im April 2023 eröffneten Inhaberin Renate Peterburs und ihre Nichte Franziska Peitzmeiner gemeinsam den Laden am Kirchplatz. Er soll eine Wohlfühloase zum Stöbern sein, aber auch ein Ort für Austausch, Lesungen und andere Projekte.
Franzi erkrankte 2019 an einem Sarkom und setzt sich seitdem u.a. für Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen und die lebensrettende Krebsvorsorge ein. Ihr Laden soll Betroffenen einen Ort geben, in dem man zwischendurch zusammenkommen und etwas Gutes für die Seele tun kann. In Zusammenarbeit mit yeswecan!cer sollen in Zukunft Events und Kampagnen stattfinden, die das Thema Krebs weiter in die Mitte der Gesellschaft rücken.
The Nationale Dekade gegen Krebs hat Europas größte digitale Selbsthilfegruppe für Krebskranke und ihre Angehörigen zu ihrem offiziellen Unterstützer ernannt. Damit zählen yeswecan!cer-Initiator Jörg A. Hoppe und sein Team seit Mai 2021 zu den „relevanten Akteuren Deutschlands“ im Kampf gegen den Krebs.
„Mit Ihrem Engagement stärken Sie die Krebsforschung in Deutschland. Sie helfen uns, die Ziele der Nationalen Dekade gegen Krebs entschlossen zu verfolgen und langfristig zu erreichen. Dafür danken wir Ihnen, auch im Namen aller beteiligten Partner der Dekade, sehr herzlich!“, lautet die offizielle Danksagung der Urkunde.
„Vision-Zero“ ist eine breite Initiative aus Wissenschaft und Forschung, medizinischen Fachgesellschaften und Verbänden, Stiftungen, Medien und Industrie, um dem Ziel, dass niemand mehr an Krebs sterben muss, so nahe wie möglich zu kommen. Die Initiative setzt sich nachdrücklich dafür ein, die Zahl der vermeidbaren krebsbedingten Todesfälle gegen Null zu bringen. Ein großer Teil dieser Todesfälle wäre vermeidbar, sei es durch verbesserte Prävention und Früherkennung, präzisere Diagnostik, rasche Überführung von Therapieinnovationen in die Praxis, oder einen bundesweit direkten Zugang zur leitliniengerechten und individuell optimalen Versorgung.
German Innovation Alliance Cancer & Brain e.V (DIK&G) is an association of patients with brain cancer, their relatives, doctors, scientists, self-help groups, public figures and companies. The DIK&G wants to create more awareness and education around cancers of the brain. The diagnosis and therapy of these diseases can be advanced in in future and the quality of life of those affected can be improved only with the attention, discussion and cooperation of all those affected. The focus is also on supporting innovative science projects, among other things.
Gemeinsam gegen Glioblastom (Together against Glioblastoma) was launched by yeswecan!cer and the Deutsche Innovationsbündnis Krebs & Gehirn e. V., chaired by Prof. Dr. Martin Glas, to meet two crucial needs of glioblastoma patients*: providing factual information and enabling community support.
Together against Glioblastoma operates a detailed information portal for those affected by this aggressive brain tumour and pursues the goal of better connecting patients and offering a platform for the voices of experts and those affected by the disease alike.
The Superheroes Fly Ahead initiative offers modern end-of-life care and services for young dying people and their relatives. Superheroes Fly Ahead was founded by the musician and presenter Dada Peng, who himself has lost several people to cancer and has been involved in modern hospice work for those affected for 20 years.
Dada Peng received an award for his work by the Deutsche Hospiz- und Palliativverband (German Hospice and Palliative Association) in 2020 and advises the Bundesverband Kinderhospiz (Federal Children's Hospice Association).
Jung und Krebs e.V. is a non-profit self-help association from Freiburg, which works to meet the needs of young people in the South Baden area who have cancer or are recovering from cancer. The association hosts community activities such as health-promoting workshops and excursions for those affected and their relatives. Donations are used for fulfilling the wishes of people who are currently in a difficult phase of life due to illness.
Nationally, the association has partnerships with other patient organisations, the business community and various health professions to sustainably improve the care structure for young adults with cancer.
DKMS LIFE has been active as a non-profit limited company since 1995. The independent subsidiary of the blood donor organisation DKMS wants to give women with cancer hope and new courage to face life, among other things with the project “Look Good – Feel Better”, which offers free cosmetic seminars that are available online now.
Kurvenkratzer is an Austrian association that promotes the frank discussion of cancer. It does this through campaigns, events and recently with a podcast. The association runs a platform that invites people to share their cancer stories. Whether as a blog, comment or video: No matter how you talk about cancer, the main thing is that you do it.
Firefighters are lifesavers, but they have an increased risk of cancer. Heldenhilfe e.V. supports firefighters with cancer and their families during the difficult time surrounding this disease. After seeing how powerless and alone those affected feel after their diagnosis, the siblings Fabian and Jasmin Brunke founded the association in Dortmund in May 2021 following the death of their father Bernd from cancer.